Get all of your live news from #AVSEC2017 here!


*This blog is no longer live.

Thursday, 14 September 17:25

Join us for #AVSEC2018 next year!


Thursday, 14 September 17:06

And that’s a wrap on #AVSEC2017! Thank you to everyone who followed this live blog. Stay tuned for more; next week we will be live blogging the Second Global Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Symposium and DRONE ENABLE, ICAO’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Industry Symposium! We’ll see you then.

Thursday, 14 September 16:48

Mr. Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director, ASF, ATB, ICAO, asked the panelists for some key takeaway points of this #AVSEC2017 Symposium.


Thursday, 14 September 16:34

Sylvain Lefoyer, DD: Although this is a closing session, we should see this more as an opening session towards the future. #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 16:28

The closing plenary of #AVSEC2017 has quite the panel. On stage are:


  • Mr. Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director, ASF, ATB, ICAO


  • Ambassador Philippe Bertoux, Chair, ICAO Committee on Unlawful Interference and Representative of France on the Council of ICAO
  • Mr. Victor Basargin, Head, FTOA, Ministry of Transport, the Russian Federation
  • Mr. Mohamed Khalifa Rahma, Regional Director, Middle East Regional Office, ICAO
  • Mr. Dominique Antonini, Head, Aviation Security, IATA
  • Ms. Nina Brooks, Head, Security, Airports Council International (ACI) World

Our last plenary of #AVSEC2017, folks!

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 16:18

Captain Althea C. Bartley, Manager, Aviation Security and Facilitation, Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority talks of the initiatives they have undertaken to build capacity.


Thursday, 14 September 16:04

Representatives from @JCAA_NEWS @eurocontrol @budairport & @AfricanAirlines talking capacity building at #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 15:53

Capacity building is a strong pillar of belief at ICAO, and is one of the driving forces behind the No Country Left Behind initiative. On this second to last plenary of #AVSEC2017, we focus once again on cooperation and partnerships to build capacity. On stage are:



  • Mr. Ademola Oladele, Head, Aviation Security, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, Nigeria


  • Captain Althea C. Bartley, Manager, Aviation Security and Facilitation, Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority
  • Mr. John Hird, Air Traffic Management Security Specialist, Eurocontrol
  • Mr. Istvan Szabo, Manager, Security Director, Budapest International Airport, Hungary
  • Dr. Elijah Chingosho, Secretary General, African Airlines Association

Thursday 14 September 15:11

Last coffee break of #AVSEC2017 sponsored by IATA. We’ll be back at 15:45 EST

Thursday, 14 September 15:05

Mr. Walter Parks III, Acting Chief, Implementation Support and Development – Security, ASF, ATB, ICAO, is running us through AVSEC assistance needs assessments. He says the prime point of a needs analysis is to provide a roadmap from “the enhancements” to “the enhanced.” The end result of a needs assessment, he says, is the production of an aviation security improvement plan, developed collaboratively and focused on capacity-building.



Thursday, 14 September 14:50

Ms. Jenifer Mackby, Consultant, World Institute for Nuclear Security, Senior Advisor, Partnership for a Secure America, and Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists, is doing a SkyTalks on aviation and nuclear security.

Thursday, 14 September 14:39

Watch Ms. Poppy Khoza, DGCA South Africa, deliver the opening keynote address for the afternoon sessions at #AVSEC2017

Thursday 14 September 14:29

Welcome Mr. Ian Munro of @UNODC, discussing coordination in border management at #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 14:24

Ms. Poppy Khoza, Director General, Civil Aviation Authority, South Africa points to cooperation as the crucial factor in the future of aviation security. She says we cannot overemphasize the importance of it, along with capacity building and sharing of best practices, reminding us that we need to make our leaders aware that aviation security has evolved to something more complex.


Thursday 14 September 14:00

We are ready to start the afternoon sessions for the last day of #AVSEC2017. First up is a capacity building and enhanced cooperation presentation with keynote Ms. Poppy Khoza, Director General, Civil Aviation Authority, South Africa.

Thursday, 14 September 14:17


Ms. Poppy Khoza, Director General, Civil Aviation Authority, South Africa, lists cooperation as the crucial factor for the future of aviation security. She says we cannot over-emphasize the importance of it along with capacity building and sharing of information, reminding us that we need to make our leaders aware that aviation security has evolved to something more complex.


Thursday, 14 September 12:40

We welcomed RCMP Insp. Akrum Ghadban, Sgt. Germain Daigle and Ivy  in one of our morning sessions. Ivy is an explosives detection dog and she demonstrated her expertise. Missed it? Don’t worry, scroll down to the 9:50AM mark and you can watch the video.

Thursday, 14 September 12:31

Time for a networking lunch sponsored by UAE

The live blog from #AVSEC2017 will resume at 14:00 EST.

REMINDER! Special promotion for the 600+ participants currently at #AVSEC2017: 33% discount for States and 25% discount for industry on all ICAO documents, including DOC 8973 and Annex 17. Stop in at the ICAO booth outside the Assembly Hall and a member of the ICAO team will assist you.

Thursday, 14 September 12:28

Ms. Anne Marie Pellerin, Managing Partner, Lam Lha Security Innovation, on out-innovating the adversary:

Recent advancements in technology provide us an unprecedented opportunity to find the needle in the haystack.


Thursday, 14 September 12:18

Mr. Dave Hernandez, Deputy Program Manager, Explosives Division, Science and Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security, United States:

The TSA screens +400M checked bags a year, the goal is to detect more advanced aviation threats while keeping up with the growing population of travelers.


Thursday, 14 September 11;59

Representatives from @EOS_EU, @DHSgov and @LamLhaSecurity are participating in this panel. #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 11:50

Technology has been a strong underlying theme at #AVSEC2017, along with the evolution of emerging threats and anticipating the unpredictable. It’s the basis of this plenary, moderated by Mr. Domenic (Nick) Bianchini, Co-Chair, ICAO Working Group on Innovation and Deputy Director, ORCA, TSA, United States, the panelists are:

  • Mr. Kenn Mann, Chairman, Security Screening and Detection Working Group, European Organisation for Security
  • Mr. James McDonald, Head, Threat, Risk & Innovation Policy, DfT, United Kingdom
  • Mr. Dave Hernandez, Deputy Program Manager, Explosives Division, Science and Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security, United States
  • Ms. Anne Marie Pellerin, Managing Partner, Lam Lha Security Innovation

Thursday, 14 September 11:35


Behaviour detection – the changing landscape is on now at #AVSEC2017 with speakers from @ICTSEUROSYSTEMS and @DublinAirport

— ACI World (@ACIWorld) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 11:24

Mr. Declan Troy, Manager, Security, Dublin Airport is detailing some methods that the behavioural experts use to survey airports. There are a few processes, each of which contains multiple steps including screening, conversations, and even an app. Very efficient!


Thursday, 14 September 11:05

Ivy was pretty popular at that last coffee break, participants are filtering back into the Assembly Hall a bit late as Insp. Akrum Ghadban and Sgt. Germain Daigle continues to answer their questions about Ivy’s work and expertise.

We’re starting another case study, this one on behavior detection. The presenters on stage are Mr. IIan Weinmann, Director, Product Quality Control and Training, ICTS Europe Holdings and Mr. Declan Troy, Manager, Security, Dublin Airport.




Thursday, 14 September 10:37

Huge thanks to Insp. Akrum Ghadban,  Ivy and Sgt. Germain Daigle of the RCMP for that amazing demonstration! With that, it’s not time for a quick coffee break. Thanks to IATA for the java, we’ll be back at 11:00AM EST.

Thursday 14 September 10:25


. @rcmpgrcpolice Ivy's demo is in a few minutes! the live stream will go live when she comes in. #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 9:50

Thursday, 14 September 9:46

Exciting news: We will be LIVE STREAMING this session with Sergeant Germain Daigle, Dog Handler, RCMP Special Support, CBRNE Operations and Evette, “Ivy” Police Service Dog, RCMP Special Support, CBRNE Operations. Check back right here for the video.



Thursday, 14 September 9:31

Case studies have been a popular interactive component of #AVSEC2017, and this is our first one of the day. On stage is Mr. Oren Sapir, President, ICTS Europe Holdings

Thursday, 14 September 9:23

SNEAK PEEK: We are ready for Ivy here at #AVSEC2017. She'll be coming in at 9:45 AM EST

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 14, 2017

Thursday, 14 September 9:16

Mr. Steve Karoly, Acting Assistant Administrator, ORCA, TSA, United States, starts us off with some interesting stats regarding aviation:

  • 2,500, 000 passengers a day
  • 1,200,000 checked bags
  • 6,250,000 carry on items a day

Mr. Karoly emphasizes that we must think outside the box to enhance the future of aviation security for years to come. The  TSA is reimagining the traditional notion of innovation and foserting innovation beyond technology through:

  1. PEOPLE: human factors, staffing method, feedback integration
  2. PROCESS: checked baggae, EAPS, System effectiveness
  3. TECHNOLOGY: automated screening lanes, bbiometric authentication technology, CT systems


Thursday, 14 September 9:02

Today is the last day of #AVSEC2017! So far it has been a very engaging, interactive Symposium and no doubt more will follow today. We’re getting ready for the opening remarks from keynote  Mr. Steve Karoly, Acting Assistant Administrator, ORCA, TSA, United States.



We’ll be back tomorrow at 9AM EST!

Wednesday, 13 September 17:48

That’s all for us, for today! Join us right here tomorrow at 9AM EST for the last day of #AVSEC2017. For now, participants are off to a presentation and reception sponsored by Tudor Scan Tech.

Wednesday, 13 September 17:30

We’re running just a bit behind, but it’s time for the last case study of the day at #AVSEC2017.  Presenter Ms. Christine Riveau, Deputy Vice President, Oberthur Technologies and Safran Identity & Security (OT-Morpho) are on stage.



Wednesday, 13 September 17:25

Fascinating presentation – Face 4 Systems on the latest facial recognition technology. Come and meet Ilan Arnon at their booth. #AVSEC2017

— ACI World (@ACIWorld) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 17:14

We’re winding down today with two case studies, Mr. Ilan Arnon, Chief, Technical Officer, Face4 Systems Inc. takes the stage first.


Wednesday, 13 September 17:10

Mr. Neal Owens, Senior Business Development and Program Representative, Battelle, sees civil aviation as a critical worldwide asset. It encompasses 6 world regions, 101 countries, over 2,000 airports. His presentation is based on the DICOS Standard


Wednesday, 13 September 17:03

.@Battelle Neal Owens talks technology solutions #AVSEC2017 Follow the live blog

— ACI World (@ACIWorld) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 16:47

Dr. Antonino Scribellito, Projects Director, PostEurop, is giving us a few details on the SAFEPOST project. Essentially, SAFEPOST is a project aimed to further raise the level of postal security by integrating innovative screening solutions with operational postal processes.


Wednesday, 13 September 16:33


Daniel Goh of @NuctechCoLtd: 90% of passengers want to get past a security checkpoint in 10 mins or less. Half of those want 5 mins or less.

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 16:28

Up on stage for this discussion about practical applications of all the innovations we have heard about so far at #AVSEC2017 are:


  • Mr. Sebastien Colmant Development Manager, Smart Security, IATA


Enhancing Checkpoint Detection Capability & Passenger Experience

  • Mr. Daniel Goh, Assistant President, NUCTECH Company Limited

Innovative Screening Techniques for Mail

  • Dr. Antonino Scribellito, Projects Director, PostEurop Digital Imaging and Communications in Security (DICOS)
  • Mr. Neal Owens, Senior Business Development and Program Representative, Battelle

Wedneday, 13 September 16:23

We're now covering practical applications of innovation in aviation security. This will be good! #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 16:12

Schiphol is looking to the future for air cargo and aviation security. Mr. Bart Mos, Senior Security Officer, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, emphasizes that it’s important not to buy the equipment of yesterday, but to buy the equipment of tomorrow in order to anticipate and mitigate evolving threats.


Wednesday, 13 September 15:58

We’re back! On to our next case study at #AVSEC2017. On stage are:


  • Mr. Sebastien Colmant, Development Manager, Smart Security, IATA


  • Mr. Bart Mos, Senior Security Officer, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Wednesday, 13 September 15:25

Time to refuel! This coffee break is sponsored by our collaborators for this event, Airports Council International (ACI) World.

Wednesday, 13 September 15:18

Mr. José Bonilla of the @TSA is walking us through the ITF and solution selection priorities #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 15:02

Mr. Erick Bouraï, Head, Aviation Security Policy, Groupe ADP,Paris, France, referenced this statue located at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The statue is titled Swords Into Plowshares:

For Mr. Bouraï, the way forward to improve global aviation security is through humans. He says we must put humans back at the core of the process, as they are much more agile and adaptable than technology. It is a resource that is available everywhere on Earth.

PS:  Mr. Bouraï recently wrote an article for about whether it’s time to reboot aviation security. Read his article here.  

Wednesday, 13 September 14:44

On stage leading us through this case study on innovation at the security checkpoint are moderator Mr. Jeffrey Barrow, Manager, Smart Security, ACI World, along with:

Smart Security Programme, ACI-IATA

  • Mr. Sebastien Colmant, Development Manager, Smart Security, IATA

Vision Sûreté Programme – An Airport’s Perspective, France

  • Mr. Erick Bouraï, Head, Aviation Security Policy, Groupe ADP, Paris, France

Future Aviation Security Solutions (FASS), United Kingdom

  • Mr. James McDonald, Head, Threat, Risk & Innovation Policy, DfT, United Kingdom

Innovation in Aviation Security, United States

  • Mr. José Bonilla, Director, Innovation Task Force, Office of Requirements Capabilities Analysis (ORCA), TSA, United States


Wednesday, 13 September 14:40

#AVSEC2017 is quite the interactive Symposium. Participants are frequently responding to polls and posting comments via the app, and now we’re being presented a case study to weigh in on.

Wednesday, 13 September 14:32

Dr. Harry Martz, Director, Center for Non-destructive Characterization Institute, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, presents on some innovative security processes.

Wednesday, 13 September 14:23

Ms. Angela Gittens, Director General, Airports Council International (ACI) World:

We are all part of a society that has seen the continued evolution of threats to security but we are all part of the solution as society confronts this ever-mutating threat to day-to-day life. Airports are committed to doing their part.

Just as security threats are dynamic, so too is technology. From computed tomography to biometric recognition, advanced technology has become one of the most relevant tools to both mitigate and prevent security threats.


Wednesday, 13 September 14:16

Ms. Angela Gittens from @ACIWorld and Dr. Harry Martz share the stage at #AVSEC2017 this afternoon.

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 13:58

Time to kick off the afternoon presentations here at #AVSEC2017. First up giving the welcoming remarks is Ms. Angela Gittens, Director General, Airports Council International (ACI) World. Accompanying her on stage as a keynote speaker is Dr. Harry Martz, Director, Center for Non-destructive Characterization Institute, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Wednesday 13 September, 12:32

This has been an incredibly informative morning at #AVSEC2017, as we spoke in depth about various subjects including the USAP-CMA, quality control on both national and operational levels, and oversight systems. We’re breaking for lunch, but our live coverage of this Symposium will resume at 2:00PM EST

REMINDER! Special promotion for the 600+ participants currently at #AVSEC2017: 33% discount for States and 25% discount for industry on all ICAO documents, including DOC 8973 and Annex 17. Stop in at the ICAO booth outside the Assembly Hall and a member of the ICAO team will assist you.

Wednesday, 13 September 12:20

Our panel of experts include representatives from @redline_avsec and the civil aviation authorities from both New Zealand and South Africa

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 12:11

After a very informative #SkyTalks, we’re on to the topic of State compliance and related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). The session is moderated by Mr. Jim Termini, Director, Redline Assured Security. The panel of experts are:

  • Mr. Hugo Porter, Chair, ICAO Aviation Security Panel (AVSECP) and Security Manager, Civil Aviation Authority, New Zealand
  • Mr. Paul Mason, Chief Executive Officer, Redline Assured Security
  • Ms. Poppy Khoza, Director General, Civil Aviation Authority, South Africa


Wednesday, 13 September 11:55

Mr. Juan Lamosa, Chief, Aviation Security Audit, ASF, ATB, ICAO is presenting on the ICAO Universal Security Audit Programme and the Continuous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA).

The objective of the USAP-CMA is to promote global aviation security through the auditing and continuous monitoring of the aviation security oversight performance of ICAO’s Member States. This objective is achieved by:

  • Determining the level of effective implementation of the critical elements of an aviation security oversight system
  • Providing an indication of the level of effective implementation of security-related standards of Annex 17 and Annex 9.

Wednesday, 13 September 11:42

Time for the first #SkyTalks of the Symposium with Mr. Juan Lamosa, Chief, Aviation Security Audit, ASF, ATB, ICAO


Wednesday, 13 September 11:36

The panel of experts at #AVSEC2017 discuss national-level quality control. Salient points on the live blog:

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 11:24

REMINDER! Special promotion for the 600+ participants currently at #AVSEC2017: 33% discount for States and 25% discount for industry on all ICAO documents, including DOC 8973 and Annex 17. Stop in at the ICAO booth  outside the Assembly Hall and a member of the ICAO team will assist you.

Wednesday, 13 September 11:09

Mr. Adama Niang, Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, l’Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM), is speaking of their approach to quality control in Senegal.

He says they have defined certain priority-based approaches in order to reform the national quality control system, including a specific decree for security that identifies the responsibilities of the parties involved. They have also taken into account the efficiency and competency of the people involved, and are strengthening the requirements related to staff training as outlined in Annex 17. That means they can then concentrate on processes and tasks, which will allow them the right level of effective implementation.


Wednesday, 13 September 10:58

Joining @oscarpulpo on stage are representatives from @ECACceac, @Transport_gc, & the Russian Federation. #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 10:44

We are back and fully caffeinated, ready to continue the morning sessions at #AVSEC2017. Next up is a plenary on national-level quality control, moderated by Ms. Patricia Reverdy, Deputy Executive Secretary, European Civil Aviation Conference. Our panelists are:

  • Mr. Vladimir Chertok, Deputy Director, Federal Transport Oversight Authority (FTOA), Ministry of Transport, the Russian Federation
  • Mr. Adama Niang, Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, l’Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM)
  • Mr. Oscar Rubió, Director, Aviation Security Police, National Aviation Security Authority, Argentina
  • Mr. John Velho, Chief, Screening Oversight and International Operations, Transport Canada



Wednesday, 13 September 10:07

Quick break for coffee before we continue the morning sessions at #AVSEC2017. Thanks to Osprey Flight Solutions for sponsoring this coffee break.

Wednesday, 13 September 9:56

Jim McWilliams, Manager, Security Regulatory Compliance, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, is discussing quality control in the AVSEC environment at the airport level. He defines quality control as a system of maintaining standards in by testing a sample of the output against the specification. So how do they do that?

  • PLAN – identifying the requirement to do something
  • DO – training and implementation
  • CHECK– implementing inspection programs, audit, review of daily events, data collection
  • ACT – conducting root cause analysis investigation and identify corrective actions



Wednesday, 13 September 9:44

Mr. David Clark of Worldwide Flight Services speaks of the security of air cargo screening at #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 9:36

Mr. Buti Qurwash, Vice President, Security, Dubai Airports, United Arab Emirates is running us through the 4 strategic elements of security:

  1. Regulation and compliance,
  2. Competent people,
  3. Stakeholders & technology,
  4.  Risk management with continuous improvements


Wednesday 13 September, 9:28

On the stage for this plenary, moderated by Ms. Laura Logan, Director, Security and Regulatory Compliance, Air Canada are:

  • Mr. Buti Qurwash, Vice President, Security, Dubai Airports, United Arab Emirates
  • Mr. David Clark, Global Head, Safety & Security, Worldwide Flight Services
  • Mr. Jim McWilliams, Manager, Security Regulatory Compliance, Greater Toronto Airports Authority

Wednesday, 13 September 9:24

Some great opening remarks from Ms. Hifdi that really make you re-think aviation security as a culture. With that wrapped up, we are on to our first plenary of the day.

Wednesday, 13 September 9:17

Ms. Sonia Hifdi speaks of an all-encompassing approach to effective quality control.

Who is responsible for effective quality control? It’s a simple answer, but a complex one too. EVERYBODY is responsible for it, according to each of their levels and knowledge. The objectives of quality control are clear and are well known.



Wednesday, 12 September 9:01

Welcome back to the #AVSEC2017 live blog! Participants are filtering in to the Assembly Hall as we get ready to start the second day of the ICAO Global Aviation Security Symposium. Ms. Sonia Hifdi (Head, Security Measures Office, DGAC, France) is leading our first session of the day. Ms. Hifdi had some great insight and expertise to share as a panelist yesterday (scroll down to read what she had to say)

Tuesday, 12 September  17:11

That’s all for today, from the first day of #AVSEC2017! Join us again tomorrow at 9AM EST as I live blog Day 2 of the ICAO Global Aviation Security Symposium


Tuesday 12 September 16:54

Sessions, activities and plenaries have wrapped up for the first day here at #AVSEC2017. We’re off to a solutions-oriented presentation  and opening reception from Rapiscan Systems.


Tuesday, 12 September 16:49

Mr. Yan Li, Vice Director General of the Aviation Security Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration, China is our last speaker in this plenary. #AVSEC2017 is being live translated in Russian, English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and French. This allows for most speakers to present in the language they are most comfortable in, while participants listen to real-time translations through an ear piece.


Tuesday, 12 September 16:40

Spoiler alert for tomorrow: Ivy will be a very special guest at #AVSEC2017.

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 16:31

Ms. Sonia Hifdi, Chair, ICAO AVSECP Task Force on Improvised Explosives Device and Head, Security, Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC), France, shares her expertise on mitigating and detecting emerging threats



Tuesday 12 September, 16:23

Mr. Mark Rodmell introduces our panel of experts on cybersecurity, RPAS, IEDs/PEDs, and more:

Tuesday, 12 September 16:14

This plenary is focused on emerging threats, cybersecurity, RPAS and more. Moderated by Mr. Mark Rodmell, Representative of the United Kingdom on the Council, ICAO,  the panelists on stage are:

  • Ms. Leslie Cary, Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Programme Manager, ANB, ICAO
  • Mr. Daniel Johnson, Director, National Aviation Intel Integration Office, United States
  • Ms. Sonia Hifdi, Chair, ICAO AVSECP Task Force on Improvised Explosives Device and Head, Security, Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC), France
  • Mr. Nico Voorbach, Director, ICAO and Industry Affairs , Civil Air Navigation Services Organization
  • Mr. Yan Li, Vice Director General, Aviation Security Bureau, Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)

SPOILER ALERT: Speaking of RPAS, I will be live blogging the Second Global Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Symposium and DRONE ENABLE, ICAO’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Industry Symposium next week!

Tuesday, 12 September 16:04

Last plenary of the day is now taking place:


Tuesday, 12 September 15:30

Time for one last coffee break today, this one brought to you by L3 Security and Detection Systems.

REMINDER! Special promotion for the 600+ participants currently at #AVSEC2017: 33% discount for States and 25% discount for industry on all ICAO documents, including DOC 8973 and Annex 17. Stop in at the ICAO booth right outside the Assembly Hall and a member of the ICAO team will assist you.

Tuesday, 12 September 15:23


There's a fun interactive component here at #AVSEC2017, the app encourages attendees to participate & vote in polls

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday 12 September, 15:12

Special promotion for the 600+ participants currently at #AVSEC2017: 33% discount for States and 25% discount for industry on all ICAO documents, including DOC 8973 and Annex 17. Stop in at the ICAO booth right outside the Assembly Hall and a member of the ICAO team will assist you.


Tuesday, 12 September  14:57

We’re now on to the second activity today; #AVSEC2017 is dealing with serious subject matter but in a dynamic way that seems to be engaging every single person in the audience. On stage are:

  • Mr. John Velho, Chief, Screening Oversight and International Operations, Transport Canada
  • Mr. Phil Williams, Risk Assessment and Incident Response Team, Department for Transport (DfT), United Kingdom

Tuesday, 12 September 14:51

Mr. Florin Hungerbüler is having 5 participants choose coloured tennis balls and throw them at corresponding squares that are constantly changing colour. The goal is to have the ball of a certain colour hit the square of the same colour. A roar of laughter comes up from the audience as Mr. Hungerbüler now picks up a racket and actively starts volleying the tennis balls away from the squares.

He’s proving the importance of being prepared for what is predictable in aviation security, but also being able to anticipate and react to the evolving unpredictable.

Tuesday, 12 September 14:39

Mr. Florin Hungerbüler, Inspector, Security Federal Office of Civil Aviation, Switzerland  has the stage now, and the room perks up at the mention that he will lead us through a game. A ball game, apparently. Curious to see how this will work with more than 600 participants in the room! Fitting that his topic is the importance of unpredictability. Stay tuned, your ICAO digital team has a reputation for being competitive. This should be interesting.


Jean-Philippe Morange of @UN: Strengthening the implementation of security measures contributes in creating a culture of security #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 14:11

Welcome back to the live blog for #AVSEC2017! We’re ready to start the second session; Vulnerability Versus Threat: Risk-Based Mitigation. Keynote Mr. Jean-Philippe Morange, Senior Legal Officer, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, United Nations has the stage.

Tuesday, 12 September 12:35

Time for lunch! Thank you to NUCTECH for sponsoring this networking lunch and for their solutions-oriented presentation. We’ll be back at 2:00 PM EST! 

Tuesday, 12 September 12:24

Ms. Jennifer Sullivan, Director, Corporate Safety and Security, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, speaks of the importance of passengers feeling safe in an airport:

When the passengers pass through our airport, when the employees show up to work, those people are in our “house.” We are responsible for their safety while they are with us.


Tuesday, 12 September 12:08

Tuesday, 12 September 12:01

Onto the first plenary of #AVSEC2017: AVSEC Culture – How do we get there? Joining moderator Mr. Bernard Lim (Director, International Relations and Security, Ministry of Transport, Singapore) the panel of experts on stage are:

  • Mr. Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director, ASF, ATB, ICAO
  • Mr. Paul Fujimura, Assistant Administrator, Office of Global Strategies, TSA, United States
  • Ms. Veronique Deplace, Deputy Director, Aviation Security and Defence, DGAC, France
  • Mr. Hugo Porter, Chair/ICAO AVSEC Panel; Security Manager, Civil Aviation Authority, New Zealand
  • Ms. Jennifer Sullivan, Director, Corporate Safety and Security, Greater Toronto Airports Authority
  • Mr. Matthew Vaughan, Director, Aviation Security, IATA

Tuesday, 12 September 11:50


Nina Brooks of @ACIWorld : Security culture starts with training, it starts with understanding what security really means. #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 11:43

Ms. Vicki Reeder, Aviation Security Expert, Aviation Security and Facilitation (ASF), ATB, ICAO is running through some of the foundational elements of security culture. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Leadership and security by example
  • Initial and recurrent training in Security Awareness
  • Individual and personal integrity
  • Mechanisms to quantify and track effectiveness

Tuesday, 12 September 11:40

Tuesday, 12 September 11:36

Participants are currently using the #AVSEC2017 app to answer a few polls, and the panel is on stage ready to discuss. The experts include:

  • Captain Agustín Guzmán, Chairman, Security Committee, The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Association
  • Mr. Dominique Antonini, Head, Aviation Security, International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • Ms. Nina Brooks, Head, Security, Airports Council International (ACI) World
  • Mr. Mark Hatfield, Assistant Aviation Director and Chief Security Officer, Miami International Airport, United States


Tuesday, 12 September 11:20

We're starting the first activity at #AVSEC2017, defining a common understanding of security. Experts from @ACIWorld @IATA @IFALPA present

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 11:09

Mr. Bernard Lim, Director, International Relations and Security, Ministry of Transport, Singapore, says that it is the critical human factors that determine success of security culture. The existence of a well-trained, motivated and professional work force is critical to aviation security. A positive, all-encompassing security culture will permeate from the highest level all the way down.


Tuesday, 12 September 10:58

WHAT is necessary for the implementation of an effective security culture? Stay tuned for the answer from #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 10:49

Everybody is fully caffeinated and slowly returning to their seats as we get ready to start the first session of #AVSEC2017. Session 1 focuses on AVSEC Culture –  Beyond the Standards.

Tuesday, 12 September 10:30

Participants are taking full advantage of the coffee break and networking with the 500+ delegations present here at #AVSEC2017.

Tuesday, 12 September 10:16

Time for the first coffee break of the morning, this one sponsored by Airports Council International (ACI) World.

Tuesday, 12 September 10:11

Mr. Boubacar Djibo, Director of Air Transport Bureau at ICAO welcomes everybody to #AVSEC2017. He says that this is an event where everyone can have a say, and runs us through what the next few days should entail. A mix of presentations, activities and plenaries are in store for all participants over the next few days.

Tuesday, 12 September 10:06

Mr. Philippe Rainville, President and CEO of Aeroports de Montreal now has the stage. He emphasizes the importance of making passenger experience enjoyable, while also maintaining a high level of security.


Tuesday, 12 September 9:55

Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director General, Mobility and Transport, European Commission just wrapped up his opening remarks, stating the importance of being head of the curve when dealing with a constantly-evolving reality.

Tuesday. 12 September 9:45


Keynote David Pekoske of @TSA: safety&security are two sides of the same coin. Improvement in one means improvement in the other. #AVSEC2017

— Lisa Williams (@lwilliamsICAO) September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 9:38

Keynote speaker Mr. David Pekoske now has the stage,  this is Mr. Pekoske’s first international appearance as the new Administrator for the U.S. Transportation Security Administration. He was sworn in as TSA’s 7th Administrator on August 10, 2017, and brings unparalleled expertise in crisis management, security and counterterrorism.

Tuesday, 12 September 9:29

Dr. Fang Liu ends her opening remarks by emphasizing ICAO’s commitment to UN resolution 2309, calling for closer collaboration to ensure security of global air services.

Tuesday, 12 September 9:20

ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu’s opening remarks are highlighting the progress made recently in aviation security, and the move towards creating a culture of security that goes beyond a set of Standards.


Tuesday, 12 September 9:07

The opening session is underway, on stage are:

  • Dr. Fang Liu, Secretary General, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • Mr. Boubacar Djibo, Director, Air Transport Bureau (ATB), ICAO
  • Ms. Angela Gittens, Director General, Airports Council International (ACI) World
  • Mr. David Pekoske, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), United States
  • Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director General, Mobility and Transport, European Commission
  • Mr. Philippe Rainville, President and Chief Executive Officer, Aéroports de Montréal, Canada

Tuesday, 12 September 8:57

The few moments of calm before the speakers take the stage for the opening remarks.

Tuesday, 12 September 8:23

Welcome to the live blog from #AVSEC2017! Lisa Williams here, your blogger extraordinaire for the next few days. You can also follow me on Twitter: @lilowilliams for more updates. Participants are starting to filter in, so check back around 9AM EST for the official start of #AVSEC2017.