The Importance of Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation


Environmental causes have gained a strong following in recent years, as more proof emerges that we need to take greater care of the planet. This move towards being more eco-friendly applies not only to the automotive industry, but to aviation as well.

That’s where the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) comes into play. The CORSIA calls for international aviation to address and offset its emissions through the reduction of emissions elsewhere (outside of the international aviation sector), involving the concept of “emissions units”.


To learn more about the CORSIA, watch the video below:


Register now for the ICAO Seminar on CORSIA from 10 – 11 May at the Montréal Headquarters. The objective of this seminar is to share information on the design elements and implementation aspects of CORSIA, including a summary of the outcomes and lessons learned from a series of regional seminars. It will also serve as an opportunity for States that could not participate in the regional seminars to share their current readiness to implement CORSIA and conduct an assessment of related assistance needs.