ICAO Global Aviation Training through distance learning


ICAO’s Global Aviation Training (GAT), under the Technical Cooperation Bureau, is the focal point of contact for all ICAO training-related activities. GAT is responsible for the planning, management and coordination of all ICAO aviation training activities ensuring the efficient, effective and harmonized implementation of ICAO’s Training Policies.

Our Commitment

GAT is committed to addressing the needs of aviation professionals working remotely.  Our goal is to provide you with greater access to training solutions that are affordable and easy to use all the time, from anywhere.

While we expedite the development of new online tools, such as our virtual classroom programme and recorded webinars, you are encouraged to benefit from these unique ICAO online training courses, hosted on ICAO’s new Learning Management System and our partner platforms.

Re-launch of the Aviation Fundamentals online course in ICAOs  new Learning Management System (LMS)

As aviation professionals and the academic community work and learn from home through the COVID-19 pandemic, ICAO is committed to making learning easy, convenient and accessible anytime anywhere.

Within these efforts, we would like to draw attention to our Aviation Fundamentals online course. This efficient, cost-effective, self-learning method was developed in partnership with the University of Waterloo. The online course offers a unique eLearning experience that teaches the fundamentals of the international air transport system.

Hosted on a new and improved eLearning platform, ICAO’s Global Aviation Training Learning Management System (LMS) – Absorb, trainees will experience more user-friendly features, and a responsive learning process that can be followed from anywhere.

Whether participants are currently working in any field of aviation or are new to the industry, this course will provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the various aviation activities performed across all aviation areas that encompass the international air transport system. The course allows participants to earn an e-certificate, after completing nine modules of online learning in just 20 hours, at their own pace.

With over a thousand learners in 2019, from all ICAO global regions, the re-launch of this course will assist in training higher numbers in the coming years. We encourage personnel from Civil Aviation Authorities, industry operators, and University students with an aviation focus, to register for this fundamental course, click here.

The University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa enters Corporate Partnership with ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Programme

ICAO’s TRAINAIR PLUS Programme has recognized the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS University) as a new Corporate Partner. The two sides have agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to develop and deliver training programmes and courses related to aviation. The MoU represents an important milestone for ICAO, as this is the first partnership with an academic institution in Africa. Learn more here.

ICAO Online Training: You’ve Got Options

Learn remotely with ICAO online training and choose from a range of ICAO topics, including performance-based navigation, safety management, fundamentals of the air transport system, and more. These online courses offer you the flexibility to reach your training goals. See a complete list of online courses and register today by visiting here.

In a global effort to support and encourage Member States’ Civil Aviation Authorities and aviation organizations to offer training to their aviation personnel, ICAO is providing reduced pricing and group discounts for the below ICAO online training, click here:

Safety Management Course

This Safety Management course describes ICAO safety management provisions and the implementation of State Safety Programme (SSP) and Safety Management System (SMS) at State and service provider level, respectively.

By completing this course, participants will be prepared and eligible to enrol in other ICAO Safety related courses, as it remains a pre-requisite to register for the State Safety Programme, Aerodrome Safety Management Incorporating PANS-Aerodromes, Safety Management for Practitioners (SMxP).

Participants who work for a State regulatory body involved in the planning, development, and implementation of State Safety Programmes, and those who work for an aviation service provider involved in the planning, development and implementation of Safety Management Systems, will benefit from this course.

Duration: 13 hrs

Aviation Data-driven Decision Making (AD3M) Course

The Aviation Data-driven Decision Making (AD3M) online course is an excellent way to explore the fundamental concepts behind aviation data-driven decision making. Participants may wish to complete this online course as a stand-alone, or be eligible as a pre-requisite for the classroom delivery of the Application of Aviation Data-driven Decision Making.

This course is aimed for aviation professionals and managers from Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs), airlines, aerodrome operators, and other service providers involved in collecting, managing, reporting or making decisions using aviation data.

Duration: 13 hrs

Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring  Approach (USOAP CMA) Course

This comprehensive online course assists aviation experts to prepare for Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA) activities. It highlights the essential content of the protocol questions, relating them to the associated ICAO documents, including the ICAO Annexes and associated guidance material in each audit area.

For States looking to qualify additional personnel, this is a good time to enrol in this course.

Duration: 50 hrs

Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) – Airspace Design Course

This online course provides an understanding of the application of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) in the design of airspace. Personnel involved in airspace design need to understand the PBN concept and how it can be used to improve an existing airspace structure.

Participants who will benefit from this course include aviation professionals currently working as: an ATS provider and regulator, ATS manager, Airline flight planning personnel from operational control centres, supervisors, safety managers, airspace planners, trainers, and inspectors who are involved in ATS airspace design and procedures both civil and military.

Duration: 5 hrs

Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Operations Approval Course

This online course provides an overall understanding of the Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) concept, implementation and operations approval process.

As commercial air transport operators need operational approval to fly PBN routes and procedures, this course is fundamental for Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) and Airline personnel.

Duration: 5 hrs


Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Overview

This online course provides a high-level overview of the Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) concept and principles. This course is a recommended pre-requisite to understanding PBN and for further PBN training.

Since PBN implementation impacts all areas (aircraft operations, regulatory approvals and authorizations, training, instrument flight procedure design, airspace design, aircraft separation, etc), understanding the PBN concept and principles becomes essential for all aviation stakeholders.

Duration: 5 hrs

Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) for Pilots

This Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) course provides an overview of the PBN concept and principles, and provides pilots with guidance on procedures for PBN operations.PBN is increasingly becoming the normal method of navigation and all pilots need to understand the basic concepts and operational requirements.

Pilots will benefit from this course as an aviation professional working for an airline, whether they are commercial or general aviation pilots.

Duration: 5 hrs


Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) for Air Traffic Controllers

This Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) course provides fundamental and most critical information necessary for Air Traffic Controllers to facilitate their understanding with respect to PBN.

Air Traffic Controllers will benefit from this course as aviation professionals working for an air traffic service provider or for individual Air Traffic Controllers with guidance from the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations.

Duration: 5 hrs


Training Instructors Course (TIC) Part 1 – Instructional Competencies

This online course aims to provide participants with basic instructional skills, knowledge and techniques, as well as contemporary methods, which will enable them to prepare and be ready to deliver training courses in an efficient and effective way.

Pre-service and in-service trainers with little or no formal training background will benefit from this course. This course is a pre-requisite to the classroom delivery of the Training Instructors Course (TIC) Part 2.

Duration: 30 hrs

Conducting a Technical Assistance Visit to CAPSCA Member States and Airports

This online course aims to contribute to the ICAO Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) programme by developing a critical mass of experts for the global implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) related to public health events and emergencies, and the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).

This online training will enable experts to become CAPSCA Technical Advisors by developing a standardised awareness and understanding of the methodology, aspects and requirements to assess and improve existing prevention infrastructure, and to propose ‎measures to eliminate deficiencies in preparedness to Public Health emergencies.

Duration: 32 hrs

ICAO-ACI Global Reporting Format (GRF) – online course

This online course, jointly developed with Airports Council International (ACI), aims to assist airport personnel to meet the new ICAO requirements for runway surface condition assessment and reporting that come into effect in November 2020, as outlined in ICAO Circular 355, Assessment, Measurement and Reporting of Runway Surface Conditions, and ICAO Doc 10064, Aeroplane Performance Manual (APM).

Participants who will benefit from this course include managers, airport operations officers and staff, airport emergency management, or airport safety management.

Duration: 3 hrs

Introduction to the Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions – Online Course for Aircraft Operators and Flight Crew

This online course, jointly developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), aims to assist flight crew to understand and use the new runway condition reporting requirements as outlined in ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, Aerodrome Design and Operation; Doc 10064, AeroplaneS Performance Manual (APM); and Circular 355, Assessment, Measurement and Reporting of Runway Surface Conditions.

Flight crew, airline operational staff and dispatchers will benefit from this course.

Duration: 3 hrs